Saturday, 29 December 2007


Having posted only a few day earlier in this blog that running was a dangerous sport I would like to reiterate that point. I mentioned that children were the biggest menace to runners but would like to change my mind as to the number one danger.

Running on Tenby beach this afternoon I was approached by a yapping dog and decided to slow to a stop until the owner had caught up and got it under control. However in the blink of an eye the dog decided that my lower right leg look like an attractive slab of meat and proceeded to attack. I can tell you that being bitten is a rather unpleasant experience and it hurt like hell. At first I was in total shock, then saw red and contemplated kicking the dogs head clean off…

Blood started seeping down my leg, soaking my socks and into my shoes. The owner came rushing up and apologised profusely before I limped back to my girlfriend house.

Luckily I had had my tetanus booster the day before and was able to treat the wound with antiseptic. I hope it will be fine and I should be back on my feet tomorrow for a 2 hour long run but its just another case of external factors effecting running performance.

I just hope that I don’t come face to face with a lion while out running Kenya, that really would signify the end of the project.


londonjogger said...

holy moses! i never know what to do when the dogs come running towards you - i think i'll revise my current tactic of looking away and pretending it's not happening... hope there's no lasting damage. i have been reading your story and am looking forward to hearing about your time in kenya. enjoy.

londonjogger said...

alot going on in kenya over the last couple of days - i wonder if you will still go?

bk said...

yeah, Im sure your tetanus shot will protect you from rabies. Good call Alex.